Potholes In Asphalt: What Causes Them

Even if a pothole is only a few inches deep at first, larger potholes on roads and in parking lots can cause major problems later. However, using a proper asphalt patch mix can resolve the problem to quite an extent. 

What is the origin of potholes?

Potholes are most commonly caused by pavement fatigue, which is caused by the natural ageing process. Pavement can lose its flexibility and resistance to water after several years of exposure to weather and traffic. Water can also be directed towards pavement and begin washing out the lower layers of its structure if proper drainage is not maintained throughout the surrounding property. 

Cracks form on the surface and water seeps beneath the pavement if these issues aren’t addressed with proper maintenance and timely repair. The base material will be disrupted as a result, and extensive cracking will occur. 

As cars and trucks pass over the damaged area, chunks of pavement will start to shift. The pothole forms as the pavement is pulled up, and it will continue to form until it is fixed OR the pavement is rendered unusable.

Cold and hot asphalt patching
Cold asphalt filler

For non-commercial repair jobs, a cold asphalt filler or patch is usually recommended. Cold asphalt fillers, such as the Cold Asphalt Patch, offer a number of benefits over hot asphalt fillers. Handling a hot asphalt filler requires caution. 

Because the filler is applied at extremely high temperatures, unlike cold patch fillers, only professionals trained in asphalt or road repair have experience with it. You won’t have any trouble with the cold filler if this is your first time doing this type of repair.

Hot asphalt filler

If you use hot filler, you’ll need to purchase equipment to melt the filler and evenly apply it to the asphalt surface you’re working on. Aside from the technical know-how required to operate this equipment, the cost makes it unsuitable for non-commercial use. 

Cold patch fillers, unlike hot asphalt fillers, do not require any additional equipment. The cost of this equipment isn’t justified unless you have a large number of neighbours or belong to a neighbourhood association that will allow you to split the cost, because it will only be used once or twice a year. 

What is necessary?

Proper maintenance and timely repair are the best cures for potholes. Asphalt patchmix is the first step in proper preventative maintenance. Sealcoating a parking lot or driveway within the first year of installation, and then every 3 to 5 years after that, will significantly extend the pavement’s life. 

When cracks appear, they must be sealed as soon as possible to prevent water and chemicals from penetrating deep into the layers of the pavement. If you suspect a drainage problem, make sure to address it right away.

All pavements, without a doubt, have a limited lifespan, but proper maintenance and repair can greatly extend – and even double – that lifespan and reduce the asphalt patch cost . If you are choosing Bedrock as your pothole patching material manufacturer, check out our website – www.bedrockinfra.com. 

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