Recognizing Traffic Signs With Great Accuracy

Over 1. 3 million people perish every year due to road accidents. Unfortunately, this would have been much more if we didn’t have road signs. Road signs play a vital role in maintaining vehicle safety on the road. Road Safety Sign Boards placed on sharp turns on the school road and around roadworks alert the vehicle owners to slow down or turn their vehicle. This, in turn, helps them to adjust their driving behavior, thus, maintaining overall safety. Traffic signs can mainly be recognized with great accuracy. 

●     Project Setup

Bedrock Chem infra LLP is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of road safety sign boards. Our qualified team starts with a unique technique using raw materials and high-quality machinery. The main step that is projected setup involves setting up the project split into three main areas – 

  1. The training set of 34799 images
  2. The validation set of 4410 images
  3. The test set of 12630 image
  4. Every image is 32*32*3 and is distributed in 43 classes 
Different Types Of Road Safety Sign Boards! 

Let’s now have a look at three main road safety signboards. Scroll now! 

●     Mandatory or Regulatory Signs

These signs are round in shape having red color. Except ‘Stop’ is octagon in shape, and ‘Give Way’ is triangular. These signs ensure that people are safe and protected from major road accidents. These Road Safety Sign Boards inform the road users about the area’s laws, regulations, and rules. 

●     Cautionary or Warning Signs

Next, Road Safety Sign Boards depict Cautionary or Warning Signs. These boards help road users to know about certain warnings and potential hazards. These signs are specially designed to be in a triangle shape. A black symbol is indicated over the white background with a red border to make it easily visible from long distances. 

●     Informatory or Guide Signs

These boards have vivid colors and are rectangular. They indicate special locations such as hospitals, food joints, and public toilets. Distance, destination as well as different routes are depicted through these signs. 

One of the best companies that are renowned for Road Safety Sign Boards is Bedrock Chem infra LLP. We have an installation team that is known to decrease the installation time. The products and materials used are BIS certified. If you need any additional information, feel free to contact us as we would be more than happy to assist you with everything you need. 

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